317,000 Visitors From Free Traffic On Facebook

317,000 Visitors From Free Traffic On Facebook

317,000 Visitors From Free Traffic On Facebook

Take A Look At Facebook Groups

Discover the huge potential for free traffic which can be derived from Facebook Groups

317,000 Visitors From Free Traffic On Facebook

#webtraffic #facebooktraffic #facebookmarketing

317,000 Visitors (Free Traffic) From Facebook

2,222 viewsJun 21, 2022 

Profit Copilot

21.9K subscribers

  SUBSCRIBEAlso see how I got 30,000 visitors a day: https://profitcopilot.com/traffic Imagine if you could get instant access to more than 300,000 people before the end of this video, so you can promote your business for free, and make more money. Welcome to Profit Copilot.com, Mick Meaney here, and today I want to share 10 incredibly powerful Facebook groups. Now, Facebook gets something like a gazillion people a day – that’s the official figure by the way. So it’s one of the easiest places to get traffic from. But there is a problem. While it is free traffic, it’s not always the most targeted traffic. So if you do want laser-targeted traffic for free, I’ve got a free series that will show you how I got over 30,000 visitors every day, for free. It’s the same strategy that my student Matt used to make over 2 million dollars and there’s a link in the description to get it right now. #webtraffic #facebooktraffic #facebookmarketing #websitetraffic The groups: https://www.facebook.com/groups/42317… https://www.facebook.com/groups/EtsyS… https://www.facebook.com/groups/SelfP… https://www.facebook.com/groups/36832… https://www.facebook.com/groups/27926… https://www.facebook.com/groups/Indie… https://www.facebook.com/groups/16431… https://www.facebook.com/groups/22397… https://www.facebook.com/groups/41980…

317,000 Visitors From Free Traffic On Facebook




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0:00imagine if you could get instant access0:02to more than 300 000 people before the0:05end of this video so you can promote0:08your business for free and make more0:11money welcome to profitcopilot.com my0:14name is mick meaney and today i want to0:16share 10 incredibly powerful free0:20facebook groups now facebook itself0:22probably gets something like a gazillion0:25visitors a day right so it’s probably0:28one of the easiest places to get traffic0:31from0:32but there is a problem with facebook now0:34well the traffic is free0:36it’s not always the most targeted0:38traffic so if you do want laser targeted0:41traffic for free so you you’re0:43practically guaranteed to increase your0:46conversions i do have a free series for0:48you that will show you how i got over 300:51000 website visitors for free every0:54single day and it’s the same strategy0:57that one of my students matt has used to0:59make over two million dollars there’s a1:02link to that in the description so you1:04can grab that right now okay1:06let’s go to the computer and i’ll walk1:08you through these 10 facebook groups1:11okay so the first1:13facebook group i’ve got for you today1:15is called promote yourself it says feel1:19free to promote your work here now this1:22group has got over 20 000 members it1:26says it’s a place made for people to1:29promote their art pages cells social1:32media etc feel free to post your newest1:36anything1:37so1:38while there is a lot of people here the1:40traffic might not be specifically1:43targeted to your niche so bear that in1:46mind now let’s take a look at some of1:48the activity here because what we really1:50want to see1:52here is some activity but not heaps1:55because if we have heaps of activity1:58people creating new posts then that’s2:00more competition for you so it’s going2:02to dilute your efforts it’s going to2:05split up all that traffic and send it to2:08multiple locations instead of just yours2:12so what we want to see here is2:15really we want to be seeing hours so2:17here we have 10 hours since this piece2:19of content it’s actually an opportunity2:21for you to drop your website in here and2:23then we also want to see2:26the amount of engagement on that2:28activity and here we’ve got 28 comments2:31six likes it’s a decent level of2:33interaction of2:35engagement from the audience here so we2:37know that there are people2:40looking at what is being posted here and2:42interacting with it that’s what we want2:44to see2:45so2:45obviously you you will really have to2:47make up your own mind about which of2:50these groups are right for you and your2:52business i’m just2:54helping you to figure out2:56how to discern that for yourself so3:00on this group it looks like the activity3:02is really good the engagement is pretty3:04decent it’s very decent in some cases3:07and there’s lots of opportunities for3:09you to promote your content or promote3:11your your links or whatever it is that3:14you have to promote and we can see that3:16people are taking full advantage3:18of that opportunity so that means you3:21can too so the first group that we’ve3:23got today is called promote yourself so3:27moving on to the next one let’s get a3:30little bit more niche here this is etsy3:32sellers growth and self-promotion so if3:36you’re selling on etsy which i know many3:38of you guys are this3:41could be the group for you there’s3:43almost 20 uh there’s almost 30 0003:46excuse me almost 30 000 members 28 0003:49members3:50at the moment3:52and it says that this etsy seller3:55community helps sellers grow get3:57feedback and promote themselves all4:00sellers big and small are welcome to4:02post ask questions and participate in4:05the conversation4:07so again let’s take a look at the amount4:10of activity here we can see that really4:13we’re now down to minutes4:15in this group so what that means for you4:18because it’s a high4:20activity group4:22probably less traffic unless4:25unless we have hundreds of thousands of4:28members which we don’t so4:30another thing to look at is the amount4:32of engagement on these posts4:34unfortunately we’re not seeing much4:36engagement here but you know it is free4:39traffic and we can’t really complain4:42about free promotion free promotion4:44excuse me right it’s free at the end of4:47the day so4:48do with this4:50what you will4:52and on this group in particular there4:54seems to be a lot of meme content a lot4:56of4:58video content and really not so much5:00promotion of etsy products so if you go5:04ahead and promote your your own products5:07it might well stand out or perhaps if5:09you5:10create content that is designed for etsy5:13sellers perhaps you have an ebook or a5:16plr that you want to promote to etsy5:18sellers this group could be the perfect5:22one for you i’ll leave it up to you to5:23decide for yourself and let’s move on to5:27the next group which is called5:30self publishing promo group now this one5:33has 5 000 members so5:36while it’s not setting the world on fire5:40in terms of5:41of membership5:43that’s okay because if we look at the5:46activity here we can see that5:49really5:50it’s it’s not jumping it’s not crazy the5:53engagement is low which is a little bit5:55of a shame however5:57chances are if you post on here your6:00links6:02will remain in a prominent position for6:04longer so it may well balance itself out6:08so i’m going to leave it up to you to to6:10decide what to do with this one it6:12really is6:13for people who are interested in self6:16publishing and again i know a lot of you6:18guys are creating your own ebooks your6:21own content you are self publishers and6:24it says that this group is for those of6:25you who wish to share promotional posts6:29pertaining to self publishing if you’re6:31an author you can post a link to your6:33book or if you offer services and want6:36to post an article you have written6:38or a sale that you are running on one of6:41your services or products you can post6:43that link6:44or info here so that’s a pretty good6:46deal again it’s free traffic we can’t6:48really complain if we don’t get much6:50traction from this group but you never6:52know6:53you might do very well so here we can6:55see someone is promoting their ud udemy6:59product and people are sharing their7:02content so that means you can too let’s7:05move on to the next7:06the next one is called promotion group7:09promote your social media facebook7:11youtube instagram etc it’s got 257:15000 members pretty big group and it says7:18you can promote your business facebook7:20youtube etc so again go through the7:23process7:24take a look at how often people are7:26publishing7:28here and then look at the level of7:30engagement so i’m just going to run7:33through the rest of these because we’ve7:34got the idea of how these work we know7:37what kind of things to look for so7:39that one is called promotion group7:42promote your social media facebook7:44youtube instagram it’s quite a mouthful7:47let’s move on to the next one which is7:49called promote your business in this7:52group now this is a much bigger group7:54pretty much double the size of the7:56previous one it’s got almost 50 0008:00members and it says8:03it doesn’t really give us any8:05information there i was going to read8:07the about expecting it to tell us what8:10type of content we can publish here it8:12doesn’t have that however if we take a8:14look at what is being published8:17we can see that the engagement is pretty8:20decent on these posts if we scroll down8:23it’s going to give us an idea of how8:25often it looks like8:29the amount of activity8:31isn’t really too high so again we’re8:35seeing hours instead of minutes so8:37that’s really good for you it’s going to8:39give you more exposure8:41so this one is called promote your8:43business in this group i love it when8:46things are just black and white and they8:48just8:49say it how it is promote your business8:51in this group almost 50 000 members8:53let’s move on to the next one8:56again another8:57really simple one to to find it’s got8:59promote your business here9:02check it out it’s heading towards a9:04hundred thousand members9:06that’s an awful lot of traffic that you9:08can get9:09pretty quickly if you use it in the9:12right way it said it says that the owner9:15created this group9:17so9:18all can share9:19business ideas now that’s such a nice9:22thing to contribute to the world so if9:25we take a look9:26at the engagement9:28we can see that people are posting on9:31here seems to be a little bit infrequent9:33but the engagement is decent9:36and we can see that there is quite a lot9:38of activity happening here9:40people posting9:42within a matter of hours9:44one thing i really don’t understand9:46about9:47the facebook feed here is why it’s9:51showing9:52uh9:52posts from weeks ago however9:56facebook really isn’t my thing social9:58media marketing isn’t really my thing10:00so maybe someone can answer that in the10:03comments okay let’s move on to the next10:05so that one is called promote your10:07business here let’s move on to the next10:09so this is called self-promotion10:12advertising sharing10:14it’s got10:15over a thousand members10:17but your posts so your adverts are going10:20to remain in prominent position for much10:23longer so it says welcome to the10:25self-promotion and sharing facebook10:27group in this group we allow you to10:29share safe for work things that you need10:32to have promoted other social medias and10:35things such as that however this is not10:38open for for you to just go posting like10:41crazy we do in fact have rules and10:44regulations for even being here so10:47what i would recommend you do is go10:49through the rules first make sure that10:51you agree with those before you start10:53posting if you do10:55then go ahead and you’ll see that your10:57content is probably going to last a11:00while on here it’s not going to get11:02pushed down it’s not going to get11:04flooded out pretty quickly so that’s11:06self-promotion advertising sharing group11:10let’s move on to the next this is11:12simply called self promotion it’s got11:15over 4 000 members and it is a place11:19where creators can add their own videos11:21as well as others all self promoting is11:25welcome11:26here11:27so again we can see that people are11:28sharing their links11:31and if we take a look at the11:33the amount of time between posts11:36we can see that it’s a decent level11:38however gay engagement excuse me11:40engagement isn’t particularly high11:42that’s okay because it is free traffic11:45so that group is called self promotion11:48let’s move on to the next11:50it is called promote your website and fb11:53page free it’s got an epic 63 00011:59members12:00and12:01the about us the about section says12:03every startup and niche website are12:05struggling to get traffic12:07use this group to get sons of oh my lord12:11i can’t speak today it says okay from12:14the top it says every startup and niche12:16website are struggling to get traffic12:19use this group to get tons of social12:21traffic for free12:22also get thousands of likes12:24to fb page12:26under12:27for12:28under like for like exchange okay word12:32of caution about this12:34so absolutely do use this to get free12:36traffic if you want to we can see that12:38the level of activity is pretty decent12:41however word of caution about these like12:45for like exchanges now while i don’t12:47know too much about social uh about12:49about facebook in particular i do know12:53that like for like exchanges12:55on platforms like youtube12:58are absolutely13:00uh outlawed13:02so i would assume that it is similar for13:04all social media networks13:08like for like13:09is a thoughts economy13:12now you are13:13only receiving likes from people13:15who13:16also want to get likes so they’re not13:19really targeted and listen all of these13:21groups all this13:23free traffic that you’ve got access to13:26here13:28might vary in relevance to you so bear13:31that in mind i think i’ve mentioned that13:33a few times13:34because it’s an important thing to note13:37so13:38big word of caution13:40target traffic you know13:43is is easy to get when you know how13:46but getting it from facebook groups like13:49this13:50might not be13:53guaranteed13:55sure you will get a lot of traffic if13:57you do things in the right way but13:59listen14:00these like for like exchanges14:03stay away from them they’re bad news14:06absolutely bad news uh take it from me14:09i’ve been in this business since14:121998.14:14so there’s practically nothing i haven’t14:17seen when it comes to digital marketing14:19and like for like exchanges are bad news14:22i can rant about about those all day14:25long if you want me to make a separate14:27video that is ranting about like for14:29like exchanges14:31let me know in the comments and i will14:33bore the hell out of you with that14:35content okay let’s move on to the next14:37so this is indie writer14:39book and self promotion so14:42this group has got 31 00014:46members14:47and it says indies helping indies self14:51self and group promotion of books and14:53writing14:54that’s the idea of indie writer book14:57post about your books your websites your14:59blogs your giveaways and events share15:02experiences and support anything15:04relating to writing and publishing can15:06be posted here thank you for joining us15:08now i’ve15:10forgot to log into facebook so15:12listen15:13you’ll have to explore this one in your15:15your own time but we can see the level15:18of activity activity here15:20over 100 posts today over 2000 in the15:23last month so it is a high activity15:26group there’s lots going on here there15:28is lots of traffic to be had15:30now just like any marketing strategy you15:33do have to be consistent to succeed and15:36if you want that laser targeted traffic15:39so you do make more money i’ve got that15:41free course for you in the description15:43or go to profitcopilot.com15:46traffic and see how matt made over two15:48million dollars using that same strategy15:51okay i hope you found this useful if you15:53have15:54give it a like below and i will15:56hopefully see you again very soon take15:58care guysEnglish (auto-generated)