Free Backlinks Without Link Building

Free Backlinks Without Link Building

Free Backlinks Without Link Building

How To Get Backlinks Without Asking For Them

Another excellent video from Hasan at Hasan is one of the best, no hype, he’s honest, and puts out very useful content.We highly recommend him.

If you know SEO, you know that backlinks are a must to get ranked by Google.

You also know that getting backlinks is not easy. Hasan provides you with a quick approach – so watch the video to learn how.

Free Backlinks Without Link Building

#linkbuilding #backlinks #linkbuildingforbeginners

Get Free Backlinks Without Link Building!

13,718 viewsApr 5, 2022 


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JOIN SUBSCRIBEThis video shows what I did to reach 190K backlinks without asking for it! ✅ Get 1M Visitors To Your Website 👉 ✅ Subscribe to get all updates: 👉… 💜 You Might be Interested in (Free Tutorials): Grow Your YouTube Channel: 👉 Online Business & Make Money Online: 👉 Email Marketing Tutorials: 👉 Digital Marketing Tutorial: 👉… Complete Free Courses 👉 Get Traffic Tutorials 👉 Affiliate Marketing Tutorials 👉 Affiliate Marketing Case Studies 👉 SEO Tutorials: 👉 Freelance Tutorials: 👉 🔔 Free Guides Every Week: 👉 Copyright © H-educate. Any reproduction or illegal distribution of the content in any form will result in immediate action against the person concerned. Primary Author and Founder of H-educate: Hasan AboulHasan Contact Email: DISCLOSURE: Some of the links here are affiliate links. This means that I may earn a commission at no additional cost if you click through and make a purchase. These commissions help me create free valuable videos like these. Content: Intro 0:00 For Beginners 0:50 The Problem 1:29 Important Note 2:08 The Idea 2:38 Examples 2:59 Another Example 4:02 Important Resource To Create 5:55 How To Let People Now About it 7:23 #linkbuilding #backlinks #linkbuildingforbeginners

Free Backlinks Without Link Building



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 0:00so you got uh 410:04142 backlinks from one simple hack0:07please share0:08what was it hi everyone i remember that0:11day when i watched neil patel’s video0:13about building and getting backlinks0:16without link building when i first0:18watched the video i think about it it’s0:20somehow weird it looks weird but i apply0:24the strategies i added some spices my0:28own spices and today i have more than 520:31000 backlinks on my main website and0:33more than 190 000 backlinks on my second0:36website asupertools.com0:38honestly i never ever reached out to0:41someone and asked for a backlink all0:44these backlinks were built organically0:46it’s building backlinks without building0:49backlinks now in case you’re a beginner0:51just in 30 seconds what is a backlink0:54it’s simply a link from other websites0:57to your website it is that simple how1:00this helps it simply tells google and1:04search engines that your website has1:07something valuable and people are1:09linking to so they will give you a1:12higher rank more backlinks increase your1:15website rank and obviously this will1:18help you get more organic traffic from1:20search engines so link building is1:23something really important when it comes1:25to seo and ranking on google to get free1:28organic traffic but the problem is1:32usually when you want to build backlinks1:34we have to go and search for websites1:37and our niche and then we have to1:40collect emails validate emails write1:44email copies use outreach tools send1:47emails follow up ask for the backlink1:50and you usually get response like 10 out1:54of 1 million or something so today1:58i will share with you an alternative2:00getting a lot of backlinks without the2:03outreach process without link building2:05and begging people to link to your2:07website now to be honest with you what2:10i’m going to share with you in this2:11video is not a magic trick or something2:15you can apply in two or three days and2:17you see these results of course no here2:20i’m sharing with you real strategies2:22real experience that requires hard work2:24and patience but at the same time it2:27gives you awesome results so if you are2:30still here watching it means you are2:32serious in growing your business and i2:35really appreciate that you are still2:37here so what’s the idea it’s simply2:40about building a valuable resource a2:44valuable thing that when people see they2:47will automatically2:48link to they will feel that they must2:51link to it’s very valuable this is the2:54idea let me give you some examples from2:56my own websites and from my own business2:59if you go to hdk to download section you3:02will see i have ebooks i have3:04applications and i have checklists so i3:09create free valuable ebooks this is a3:11resource people will love to link to the3:14second thing is applications i build3:17free applications free powerful3:19applications like this if you are3:21following me i build a super email3:23validator which is totally free can3:24download it so when someone in the email3:27marketing niche finds this free software3:31they will love to link too also i have a3:33super email sender which is also totally3:36free when they see it they will link to3:39other type of resources is what we call3:42checklist or cheat sheets so i built3:45this 1003:46free seo checklist people can simply get3:49here and clone it and use it to rank3:52higher on google with this checklist3:55when someone in the seo niche see this3:58checklist they would love to link to and4:00share with the audience let me show you4:02another example like maybe one year ago4:05i published this website seo analyzer4:07dot m e this is a simple tool allows4:10anyone to scan their website for seo4:14issues it’s totally free just think4:16about it if you are now in the seo niche4:19and you find this tool don’t you share4:21it with your audience to help them use4:23free tools of course yes and that’s4:25exactly what happened look at this4:27website you can see now the traffic in4:30less than one year i reached 2 0004:32visits per month do you know what4:34happened how this happened i didn’t4:36promote this website simply one big4:38youtuber shared this with the audience4:41that’s all people who start sharing4:43these content these tools these services4:46these valuable things with their4:48audience and they will link back to your4:51website this is how it works another4:53example i build eight super tools you4:55know it’s super tools all free tools4:58think about it when you see this website5:00like the free content generator tool5:03free ai content generator tool and you5:05are in the blogging niche you are in the5:07ai niche whatever you will love to share5:09this with your audience i think you got5:11the idea i even built the backlinks5:14checker here so you can enter your5:16domain and check for backlinks go and5:19test it it’s totally free i also5:21published this website fast domainer5:23like two months ago and by the way all5:26these tools i simply bought from5:29codecanyon.net5:31scripts ready for you to publish and use5:34you can find something in your niche and5:37try to link it under a subdomain and5:40then people will start to link to this5:42free valuable tool you can see here is5:45the seo analyzer this tool is this5:48script i bought it and fast domainer is5:50the script domain tools i voted and5:53hosted and link it back to my website5:55other important valuable resource or5:58content you can create is an article but6:01not any article think about case studies6:04and data studies if you go to my website6:07and search for case6:09study you will see i have a lot of case6:11studies here so people love to share6:14real case studies people did something6:17they will share the results with the6:19audience this is important or something6:21based on data studies as an example like6:25three weeks ago i shared with you a6:27video where i am collecting search6:29results from google to analyze it and6:32share the results these data studies are6:35very important and by the way you don’t6:37need to go with a big budget or do this6:40by your own you can simply check and do6:43a research on different websites let’s6:45say you are in the programming niche6:48okay you can do a simpler study on the6:51salaries of different programming6:52languages in the last 10 years you can6:54collect this data organize it and you6:57can share this in infographics7:00infographics are very important now i am7:03preparing a lot of infographics to grow7:05my business with i have a plan now7:07dedicated for infographics so i believe7:10you got the point i gave you a lot of7:12examples on how you can create valuable7:13piece of content that people will love7:16to link to without begging them or7:19without even reaching out or anything7:21whenever they see it they will link to7:23now of course someone in the comments7:26will pop up and tell me hey you create a7:28valuable tool how people will know about7:31it nobody knows about it here’s comes7:34step number two in this strategy in this7:36process is telling people about this7:38tool here you have to make use of the7:41snowball effect you will go every single7:44day you have to be consistent here every7:46single day for one hour maximum of two7:49hours you will talk about your resource7:52on quora on reddit of course without7:54spamming maybe you should on social7:56media if you have an email list you send7:59an e-newsletter push notifications maybe8:02paid ads if you have a budget whatever8:04just do some brand awareness and let8:07people know about this thing that you8:09created and you will notice in a couple8:11of months how this small snowball will8:15start to grow and grow and grow and you8:18will see how the number of backlinks8:20will start to increase to your website8:22and the rank of your website will start8:24to be higher and you see the organic8:26traffic organic growth free8:30google8:31traffic and to help you you can go now8:34and check my video about getting traffic8:38this mastery course on getting traffic8:41so create the content get traffic and i8:44will be waiting for your success stories8:46on my email hassan educate.com8:50see you laterEnglish (auto-generated)