Use AI To Write Blog Post 10 Minutes

Use AI To Write Blog Post 10 Minutes

Use AI To Write Blog Post 10 Minutes

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Use AI To Write Blog Post 10 Minutes

#blogging #aitools #contentgeneration

Write A Blog Post In 10 Minutes With AI 100% Free

11,251 viewsApr 19, 2022 


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Use AI To Write Blog Post 10 Minutes



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0:00you don’t like writing articles or maybe0:02you don’t have the time to do so and you0:04don’t have the money to invest on0:06writers that’s fine today in this video0:10i will show you step by step how to0:12craft and write the best article in a0:15couple of minutes and for free and even0:19if you are not perfect in english0:21like me this video will definitely help0:24you so step number one is to create a0:27new empty post if you are inside0:30wordpress go here post add a new open a0:33new google document wherever you are on0:36blogger wordpress just open a new empty0:39document to write our article step0:42number two is you have to choose the0:44topic title and the target keyword of0:48your article so in my case for example i0:51will be writing about affiliate0:54marketing tips so this is the topic of0:59my article the second1:02step is to write or craft the title of1:05the article so we need to enter1:07the title of course you can sit down and1:10start thinking about catchy titles1:13optimize for seo whatever but to help1:16you you can go here to h super tool my1:20free platform go here to youtube ai1:23title generator it’s for youtube videos1:26but it will help you a lot to craft new1:28titles and get some ideas this tool will1:31generate some titles based on keywords1:34with the power of artificial1:36intelligence i will sign in it’s totally1:40free by the way just go here i say1:42affiliate1:43marketing1:45tips or something generate another tool1:48will give you some ideas let’s wait a1:50little bit the ultimate guide to1:53affiliate marketing tips and tricks how1:55to become successful affiliate marketer1:57in 10 minutes so you see we are getting2:00some catchy titles for our article let’s2:03say i picked this one and by the way2:06before i pick this you can simply click2:08generate again if you didn’t like those2:10and see another list of titles you can2:12see here i will pick this one i like2:14more so this is the title five essential2:17tips for becoming a successful affiliate2:19marketing marketer sorry then we have2:22the focus2:23keyword what is the focus keyword it is2:26simply the keyword we are targeting with2:28seo let’s explain this in 30 seconds if2:31you go here and when someone searches for2:35something as an example for affiliate2:38marketing tips this is called a keyword2:41people are searching for so in my case2:44for example i can target this keyword if2:46i say now enter you will see a list of2:49articles i want my article to rank on2:53top of google for this keyword i have2:55search volume 320 let’s see the2:58competition i will copy this keyword go3:00again to age super tools seo keyword3:03research tool open it it’s also free3:06paste it here then select the country if3:09you want like in the us or global let’s3:11say global now and say search and you3:13will see the monthly search volume you3:15will see the related keywords you will3:17see seo difficulty 57 that’s okay and so3:20on also you can get some ideas if you3:22want to change the keyword so let’s say3:24i picked up affiliate marketing tips of3:28course just a small note you need to3:29optimize the title also for this keyword3:32i’ll talk about this in a little bit3:33just follow up with me the third step is3:35to craft the outline of the article let3:39me show you how to do also this for free3:41again go to hcpotools one tool that has3:45everything go here to ai outline3:48generator and here again i will copy the3:51topic affiliate marketing tips paste it3:54here generate let’s wait a little bit3:56and here we are we got a full outline4:00for every paragraph what’s affiliate4:01marketing how it works different types4:04success whatever so you can copy or4:08simply generate again if you didn’t like4:10this one you can edit it tweak it4:12whatever you want let’s copy this one4:14six paragraphs so paste it here and the4:18seventh is the conclusion or if you want4:22the4:23tldr okay4:25so we have now the outline we have the4:28title the outline now we need to create4:30a paragraph based on each heading in the4:33outline so this is heading one4:36how to do it copy this go again to hcp4:39tools go here to ai content generator4:43again a free content generator paste the4:46topic here select the maximum number of4:48words let’s say 150 and intelligence4:51level three it’s okay generate let’s see4:54what the i will do now by the way i will4:58tell you the secret behind these tools5:01the content generator what is ai and how5:03they work in the back end so stay tuned5:06i will reveal some secrets in a little5:08bit so you can see here this is a title5:10what’s affiliate marketing and this is5:12the paragraph let’s copy it go here and5:15paste under this now we have the first5:18paragraph again you can copy the second5:20one third one and generate paragraphs5:23for each heading since you are working5:26with a i even if you are not in a5:28technical field i believe you need to5:30understand how the ai works in just a5:33couple of seconds ai stands for5:35artificial intelligence so how it works5:38simply we train the machine that we5:41train the computer with a lot of5:44articles a lot of content we train it5:47train it train again and again until the5:50computer will be able to craft and5:52create and write articles by itself as5:55you can see here so it’s about machine5:57learning if you had this term before5:59machine learning we are teaching the6:01machine how to do something by training6:04it then it will be an ai model an6:07intelligent pc that can do things like6:10in our case writing articles and if you6:12had about jasper for example this6:15service it’s one of the top services6:17used for content generation to write6:20articles ad copies whatever you want6:22with the power of ai you can see you can6:24start with 296:26and if you want to test this service i6:28will leave a link in the description6:30where you can get a trial to test it for6:32free just to play with it and see how it6:34works but we don’t need it for this6:35tutorial we are working with eight super6:37tools totally for free i mentioned it6:40just in case you don’t know how things6:42work in this way we can write the6:43article is this enough of course no if6:46you want to give real value to your6:49visitors if you are building a blogging6:52business a blog you have to add your own6:54touch on this article how i will mention6:58now two things number one is you can go7:00here to websites like sta7:03tista this website will give you a lot7:06of statistics about a lot of things7:10worldwide you can get statistics from7:12this website and use it inside your7:15article this will add a lot of value to7:18your post the second thing is to add7:21your own experience your own case study7:24so you can add some paragraphs that7:26personalize the article in this way you7:29will add a lot of value to your readers7:31try your best to do this now let’s7:33reveal7:34some7:35secrets if you go here open a new tab7:38and we go here to open then7:42go here to api and go and sign up i will7:45log in now with my account what’s up in7:47ai it’s an ai project that will help7:51anyone build content generating tool7:54based on what we call gpt7:57model forget about all these terms let’s8:00see now the power of this ai model if8:03you go to the playground and by the way8:05when you sign up you will get a lot of8:07free credits you can test it for free8:09and let’s say here generate8:13five8:14ideas8:16about8:17affiliate8:20marketing for example8:22click here submit and you can see it8:25will generate ideas for you you have an8:28ai writing assistant that can help you8:31do anything while you are generating8:32content if you go here to examples and8:35go down here you can see here tldr8:38summarization let’s open it open and8:40playground look at this so you have this8:43paragraph or this piece of content when8:45you say here’s the ldr subnet it will8:48give you the summary of this paragraph8:51so you can paste your article and get8:54also a summary a conclusion and use it8:56in your article for free you have a lot8:58of frequents to use with open ai and by9:01the way almost all services use open ai9:05gpt 3 to generate content and soon i9:08will teach you how to build your own9:11tool that generates content based on9:14open ai so i think you have to turn on9:16notifications to get every new update9:19let’s now reveal other secrets but9:21before that before revealing the second9:23secret i want to tell you something9:25about ai content generator tools whether9:28you are using jasper premium services or9:31my free tools generate content please9:34memorize this ai content generators must9:38be used as a writing assistant and not9:42just generate copy and paste if you want9:45to be successful if you are building a9:47blogging business you have to use it as9:49an assistant and not just copy and paste9:52exactly the same words by the way you9:55can get these paragraphs go into text9:58article reviser also for free you can10:01paste it here and paraphrase the10:02paragraph and if you need something more10:04advanced you can go to this website10:06quill10:08bot this is an ai paraphrasing tool so10:11you can paste here the text paraphrase10:14and it will give you a paraphrased10:16version of your paragraph based on ai10:19you can see also you can play with this10:21change the words then use this tweak it10:24in your own way and paste inside your10:27blog post but i believe the best way to10:31use content generators is not writing10:35articles for your main website it’s good10:38for affiliate articles like articles to10:41promote something it will help you craft10:43something fast to promote with paid ads10:46or maybe to write a tool description as10:48an example if you go here you can see10:50this is a tools website i built so let’s10:53say we go to the youtube keyword tool10:55you see we have full description here10:56about this tool you can use content10:58generators to write tool description in11:01a blogging used as assistant and not11:04copy and paste if you want to be11:06successful secret number two is when you11:09finish writing the article and post it11:12that’s not enough we need to rank it on11:15top of google to get free traffic how to11:18do this we need to optimize it for11:20google and this what you will learn in11:23this video step by11:25step watch it implement it and see how11:28you can get free traffic from google see11:31you laterEnglish (auto-generated)