5 Free Traffic Sources One Billion Visitors

5 Free Traffic Sources One Billion Visitors

5 Free Traffic Sources One Billion Visitors

Excellent Tutorial By Mick Meaney

This traffic source gets 1.3 billion visitors every month, and you can put your content in front of them for free.

Mick Meaney of Profit Copilot may be The Best Expert in Marketing Traffic Sources

5 Free Traffic Sources One Billion Visitors

#webtraffic #websitetraffic #webvisitors

1.3 Billion Visitors: 5 Free Web Traffic Sources

1,086 viewsJan 10, 2022 

Profit Copilot

19.5K subscribers

See how I got 30,000 visitors a day: https://profitcopilot.com/traffic Make passive income: https://profitcopilot.com/180 This traffic source gets 1.3 billion visitors every month. And you can put your content in front of them for free. Welcome to profitcopilot.com, Mick Meaney here and today I am going to share 5 traffic sources that will send thousands of visitors to your website for free. One of them has over a billion visitors, and 4 of them have a combined reach of 470 million visitors a month. So you have an enormous amount of opportunity here. And if you like the sound of that, I think you’ll love the free course I have for you at the end of this video. Now, the best way to use each of these traffic sources, is to view them as communities that give you direct access to your target audience. Also see: 550 Million Visitors (A Month) Traffic Source https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6-WTc… 2,414 Visitors A Day (Free Traffic Method) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4StqN… 15,630,000 Visitors! Traffic Sources https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bhOWv… 3,500,000 Visitors (2 Free Traffic Sources) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MvfH-… 60,790,000 Visitors (Automated Traffic Sources) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2p-Yt… 190 Million Visitors: 2 Free Traffic Sources https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nCqWg… 5 Traffic Sources For Affiliates https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MBIl3… #webtraffic #websitetraffic #webvisitors

5 Free Traffic Sources One Billion Visitors

5 Free Traffic Sources One Billion Visitors



00:00take a look at this this traffic source00:02gets 1.3 billion visitors every month00:06and you can put your content here for00:09free welcome to profitcopilot.com00:12mcmaney here and today i am going to00:14share five free traffic sources that can00:17send thousands of visitors to your00:20website now one of them00:22has got over a billion visitors and four00:25of them have a combined reach of 47000:29million00:30visitors every month so now you have00:32enormous opportunity to drive traffic00:35for free and listen if you like the00:37sound of that i think you will love the00:39free course i have for you at the end of00:42this video now the best way to use these00:45five traffic sources is to view them as00:48communities that give you direct access00:52to your target audience so let’s head to00:54the computer and go through each of them00:57the first one i’ve got for you today is00:59medium.com it’s got01:02165 million01:04visits every single month enormous01:07opportunity here and this is medium now01:11as we can see01:13they are publishing blog posts from01:16a wide range of people covering a wide01:18range of niches01:20and topics now to see what your01:22competitors are doing go to the search01:25bar here and type in some seed keywords01:28perhaps marketing or health or whatever01:31is relevant to you01:33and now we can01:34narrow down to find stories people01:36publications or topics so if we want to01:39take a deep dive into marketing perhaps01:41marketing automation big fan of01:44marketing automation here you’re going01:46to see what your competitors are writing01:49and the response they’re getting for01:51that content for example this piece of01:53content was published five days ago it’s01:56got 74 likes01:58people are commenting on there this one02:00is 50.02:02some are faring better than others but02:03there is enormous opportunity on medium02:07if you use it in the right way it’s also02:10going to give you some vital stats so02:13for this keyword marketing automation02:16you are competing with 6 000 stories02:19and 3 00002:20writers now if you want to cover this02:23topic go ahead and start writing click02:25that button it’s going to take you02:27directly to the publish dashboard when02:30it comes to medium there’s a couple of02:32pointers that i need you to be aware of02:34first of all02:35the headline this is true for any02:37platform any piece of content that we02:39publish the headline has to be strong02:42has to have an emotional hook to it has02:45to have a clear big benefit02:47and02:48you can link out to your own website02:51from medium in fact you can republish02:53content from your existing website02:56to medium with a click of a mouse let me02:59show you how to do that if we go to03:01the profile icon here go to the avatar03:05if we go down to03:07stories03:09click on that and now you can import a03:12story03:14to do that all you have to do is paste03:15in the url of your piece of content03:19click import do add an image i would03:23strongly strongly advise you to rewrite03:26the headline target slightly different03:28keywords because you really don’t want03:30to03:31compete with your own piece of content03:33now the obvious question here is is this03:36duplicate content when you paste in a03:38link here03:40medium will credit your website as the03:43original source so in theory03:47link juice and or credit should be03:49passed to your website however03:52medium does have a lot of domain03:54authority03:55and that is more than likely going to03:58sway things so bear that in mind but do04:01use it as a traffic source you’re also04:03going to get organic04:05traffic from this from the search04:07engines so don’t directly compete with04:09your own keywords04:11next up is linkedin linkedin.com it’s04:14got over a billion page views every04:17month and we can see that is consistent04:20now when it comes to getting traffic04:22from linkedin we have several options04:24but the one that i’m going to focus on04:26today04:27is writing articles and publishing04:29articles so here we have04:31photo04:33video event write article click on that04:36it’s going to take you to a dashboard04:38here again we need to focus on the04:40headline use a strong image images04:43strong images can do really well on04:46linkedin because of course that’s the04:48first thing that people are going to see04:49they see the image before the headline04:51so it has to be striking and then he04:54here you can add in all your content and04:57we can add image video slides links and05:01snippets i think this is all pretty much05:04self-explanatory let’s move on to the05:05next one it is wordpress.com05:09i need to point point out something here05:12we’re not looking at wordpress.org05:14they are two separate websites you want05:16to go to dot com05:18and create a05:20hosted website05:22or host a blog on wordpress.com now this05:25is not going to be your main blog but we05:27are going to use it to send traffic to05:30your main blog05:31so this has got over 300 million visits05:35every month and the reason why i’m05:37encouraging you to bring this into your05:39marketing strategy is because on05:41wordpress.com05:44we have this tab so we have my site if05:46you click that it will take you to all05:48the information about your blog on05:50wordpress.com but really importantly it05:53gives you this reader dashboard so if i05:56type in something like health or05:58marketing or something relevant to06:00the niche you’re going to get back a06:03whole bunch of content that people have06:05published for those keywords and this is06:08where it gets really interesting so we06:10can see that the content here is timely06:13it’s recent06:14and most importantly it’s gaining06:16traction06:17so this piece of content so far06:20has had 69 comments and over 300 likes06:24this one which was published two days06:27ago 36 comments 110 likes and you can06:30see that this is consistent right across06:33the board there is enormous levels of06:36traffic on wordpress.com it is such an06:40underutilized06:41traffic source most people ignore it but06:44the ones who are smart and they realize06:46that there are communities here do06:49really well for themselves and that’s06:51why i’m encouraging you to06:53bring this into your marketing strategy06:55don’t use it as your main website but do06:58link to your website from here you’re07:00also going to benefit from backlinks and07:03that is true07:04all the platforms i’m sharing here today07:07so we just hit add new post07:10and it works in exactly the same way as07:14a self-hosted wordpress07:16website so if you’re if you’re already07:18using wordpress you already know how to07:20use this dashboard what i would07:23encourage you to do07:24is make sure that you add tags tagging07:28is really important for that search07:30engine the the07:31wordpress.com search engine that people07:34use to find relevant content so make07:36sure that your keywords are on point07:38here as well it’s just a search engine07:41so it runs on an algorithm just like07:44google however probably not as07:46sophisticated okay let’s move on to the07:48next traffic source it is hubpages.com07:51now these guys get over 2 million07:54visits a month07:56and if we go ahead and take a look we07:58can see that they cover a wide range of08:00niches here and they allow people to08:02publish directly on the platform in08:05order to do that you just create a free08:08account once you log in you will get a08:11dashboard like this so first of all give08:13it a strong title choose your topic08:16check out all these different niches08:18that you can publish to08:20and they even have sub topics or sub08:23keywords here so08:25again that’s going to give you08:28really targeted traffic so for example08:31if we go to business08:34we can now go down to advertising and08:37then we can drill down into ad campaigns08:40so now you’re targeting people who are08:42specifically interested08:44in that topic and again we can publish08:46on here to drive traffic back to your08:49main website or to your landing pages08:51one more thing before we move on to the08:53next traffic source is we can copy from08:56another article that you have published08:59on the platform so that’s going to make09:01life pretty easy for you so let’s move09:03on to the next one it is called09:06vocal.media now according to similar web09:09it gets09:10over 3 million visits a month almost 409:14million and the website looks like this09:17so if we take a look at the type of09:19content that is being published we’ll09:22see that it is largely educational09:24content which is fantastic for marketers09:27because as we all know educate09:29educational content excuse me09:31educational content exists at the top of09:34the funnel and that’s a great way to09:36bring people into your email list where09:38you can then warm them up before09:40pitching affiliate offers so let’s take09:43a look at one of the pieces of content09:45here it looks to me like it’s09:48not a massive piece of content09:51so we don’t have to do a great deal of09:54work here and listen if you’re using a i09:57then all this becomes a breeze if you09:59want me to make more videos about using10:02ai or artificial intelligence software10:05to create content10:06by clicking buttons and you can create10:09thousands of words literally in minutes10:11let me know in the comments i will go10:12ahead and create more videos about10:15artificial intelligence for content10:17creation so to publish on this platform10:20it’s really easy10:22go to your profile10:24go to create story and again10:27it works in10:28exactly the same way as every other10:30dashboard except it will allow us to10:32import unsplash10:34images which is really handy so that’s a10:37really nice time saver there so that’s10:40called vocal.media10:42now the important thing to note with10:44this just like any marketing strategy10:46is that you have to be consistent10:47because when you are consistent you can10:49achieve amazing results like matt he’s10:53one of my students he’s made over two10:56million dollars from my traffic methods10:59now if you want to know the secret and11:01you are serious about growing a popular11:04and profitable internet business then of11:07course you need more traffic because11:09traffic equals money so i will give you11:12the secret traffic methods that i never11:14share on youtube or anywhere else for11:17free when you go to profitcopilot.com11:20traffic and grab that free training11:23course now there’s a link in the11:24description and also a link on screen11:28for you right now okay so if you found11:31today’s tutorial you just useful excuse11:33me useful give it a thumbs up below11:35subscribe to the channel to hit that11:38little notification bell and i will11:40hopefully see you again very soon thank11:42you for watching have a great day11:44take care English (auto-generated)

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