How To Increase Your Web Traffic In 1 Week

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How To Increase Website Traffic in One Week (4 Free Methods)

33,048 viewsApr 8, 2021 H-EDUCATE 442K subscribers  SUBSCRIBEToday I will show you How To Increase Website Traffic and get more visitors to your website fast in one week or even one day by using 4 free websites. 1. Quora: You can Get traffic through 3 Methods: Paid Ads, Quora Spaces, Quora Questions. 2. Pinterest: Publish PIns about everything, and optimize (Details in the video) 3. Instagram Stories (If you have more than 10K Followers) 4. Bonus SIte: H-educate Forum (explained in the video) Instagram 👉… 💡 Subscribe to get all updates: 👉… 🎥 My Office Setup 👉 🎁 Join The Giveaways: Related To The Video: How To Get Free Website Traffic From Quora [8 Secret Tips] – 319K Views! Quora Ads Tutorial: [Super] Laser Ad Targeting! How To Get Traffic To Your Website 2021 🔥🔥 (Free Mastery Course) 👉


How To Increse Your Web Traffic In 1 Week

How To Increase Your Web Traffic In 1 Week


 00:00hi friends today i will show you how to get traffic00:03to your website from the first week or even00:06from the first day this is the best and the fastest method00:11to get traffic to your website especially for beginners00:15and those who don’t have any audience yet00:18starting from scratch [Music]00:24before i start here is my website h-educate.com00:28and you can see in the public similar web extension00:32analytics i’m getting around 278 000 visits per month my other website00:39h-supertools my free seo on digital marketing tools website00:44you will see here i’m getting around 132 000 visits per month i’m showing you00:50this to add some authenticity and trust that00:53this video is not just talking from nothing i apply00:57these methods everything i explain here on my channel01:00i apply on my own website so i’m sharing with you my own01:04experience so let’s start now with the first website to get traffic01:08and this website is my best is the fastest method01:12to get traffic to get targeted traffic which is if you are following01:18me you know i talk a lot about quora and01:22i will always talk about quora because believe me it’s01:26one of the best websites to get traffic and to build audience now in quora01:32to make things somehow fast you have mainly01:35three methods to get traffic two are free01:38and one is paid the paid method is to go here01:42and go to ads manager and run quora ads i explained in detail how quora ads01:49in one of my videos if you want you can check it01:51but in this video here we are talking about three methods so in quora mainly01:55we have two three methods number one is to answer01:59questions so here on quora you can go and search02:02for questions related to your niche let’s say you are02:06talking about health and fitness so let’s say health02:10whatever health and fitness topic search for health and then you can02:17filter by questions and you can filter maybe the last week02:21questions and you can go and start answering these02:25questions and linking back to your website02:28number one rule don’t spam give value and you will see02:32awesome results from the first day believe me from the first02:36day number two rule don’t promote affiliate links directly inside02:41quora it is not allowed create landing pages02:46if you want to learn in detail how to use quora02:49my eight secret tips to get the most out of quora02:52you can go here to my channel and watch my video02:56i will keep the link in the description below or somewhere here on the screen03:00anyway so this is the first method in quora is to answer the questions03:04and give value number two is to create quora spaces here in quora you can see03:10here i have this space my own space by h-educate today i have03:157.3 000 followers if you are following i03:18started this like two months ago only today i have a lot of followers and we03:23apply to the earnings also and now we can make money through03:27this space it’s managed by one of my team members03:31they accepted us and now we can make money from this03:34space also so here in this space it’s like a group03:38or a small place where you can post whatever you03:41want here so every time i publish a blog a video i create a short version03:47of the blog or the video and published here you can see like this one here03:52a short video a short article linking to my03:56blog to my services like this you can see and now quora monetized our blog04:00because he promoted promote these ads are inside our space04:05so we can earn money from our space anyway this is04:08out of scope maybe i create another lecture about how04:11to make money from quora but for now you have to create a space04:16on quora and start posting inside the space and linking back to04:20your website and to answer questions related to your niche04:24please go and watch my video about my eight tips to grow on quora04:29so quora is number one which is the best website really best website04:33to get traffic the second website which is also04:37very very important is you know it pinterest is04:44also one of the best websites to get traffic04:46why simply because pinterest the structure allows you to add links04:51directly inside the pins what you have to do is to create a pen04:55of everything you have if you go here back to my you will see i05:00have a pin of everything look at my pins every05:04article every video i publish i have a pin05:07for it look at this 500 views 400 views it’s very important to create pins on05:13pinterest about your content create as much as you can pins about05:18anything and make sure to organize in boards here05:22you can go here to create a pin and you can see here we05:26can select boards create a board so always create05:29categories each board’s about something special05:33and you post pins inside it now you may be asking how to create the best05:38the best pinterest ad simply go to canva.com05:42again i’m not promoting canva i’m just showing you this because i use it canva05:48is one of the best websites to create anything go here05:53click on pin search for pinterest pin it will automatically give you the best05:58size and you have a lot of templates here let’s say this one06:02press on it and you can see we have a ready-made templates for you just change06:06the text download and publish to pinterest06:11other tip important tip is to use searchable keywords06:15as an example let’s do something real now06:19i will go to my youtube channel go here my channel and let’s say06:25i want to promote this video how to create custom youtube thumbnails06:30i will open it and i will get the link copy it and go here and paste06:37the link here super simple here i am using this keyword how to make06:42custom thumbnails on youtube if you copy this keyword and go06:47to h super tools youtube keyword tool and search for it here you06:52will see it’s getting like 3 000 searches per06:55month which is somehow good so people are searching for06:59this on youtube so people are searching for this keyword07:02so you can use it inside your pinterest pin title then07:06make sure to add description and add keywords in the description so i07:11will use also my description for this video add it here07:16and make sure to add hashtags also you can see i have hashtags here on my video07:21i will copy it and paste it inside pinterest and in the alt text also use07:28the keyword and that’s it and then you need to add the image07:33i will get the image from the downloads section07:37this one okay and then publish it on pinterest07:41that’s it for create a canva design make sure to use keywords in the title and07:45description use hashtags add the link and add the07:49alternative link for the image and that’s it and publish it on07:52pinterest so this is the second website now to be honest with you i07:57started using pinterest like two or three months ago so i don’t08:01have a lot of experience i’m still testing searching and doing08:05some tests inside pinterest and i will share with you08:08everything every result i get i will share with you here on08:12my channel so please don’t forget subscribe to notifications to get08:16every new update okay so let’s move on now08:20to website number three instagram instagram.com08:26everyone here knows instagram but not everyone knows08:30that we can get traffic from stories let’s go08:34here to this extension in syst which allows you to manage08:38instagram inside your browser it’s really one of the best08:42chrome extensions to use to manage your instagram profile08:46anyway the idea is when you add a story let’s say this story you have08:53the option to add a link here to the story but you have to know that08:59this will be available only if you have more than 10 00009:04followers on instagram so make sure and work hard to get09:0810 000 followers to get this feature because it’s really awesome09:13if you go here to the stories like this one reviews whatever09:18you will see that a lot of stories has this link option below09:22so everyone can click and see what’s there behind the story09:26and get and i will get traffic to my website so this website number three so09:32if you have an instagram account with more than 10 000 followers09:36go and start promoting inside instagram stories09:39if you don’t have just make sure to create instagram account and start09:43building and start getting followers i’ll explain09:46how i grow my instagram here on my channel also09:49you can find the link in description below with sarah singing inside09:53anyway now i have a bonus website for you before i end this video09:58go now to forums please listen carefully i am10:05doing this to help you not to spam because10:09once like one month ago i allowed people to publish on my website10:14i got a lot of spam today i have this forum10:17and i implemented anti-spam technologies inside the forum10:21you have the right to publish anything inside the forum10:25and link back to your website i don’t mind you can get traffic10:29from the forum but please don’t spam so you can go10:33like an affiliate marketing if you are in this niche10:36go here and create add a topic and write a title10:40write a small article just give value and link back to your website10:45i don’t mind you can get traffic from the forum if you want10:48please don’t spam you will be banned automatically10:51okay this is to help you and not to turn my website into10:55trash so this is how you can get traffic fast10:59using cora pinterest instagram and a bonus website which is my forum into11:05your website i hope you enjoyed don’t forget to like11:08the video if you have any questions post them in the forum and i will be11:12with you almost every single day to help you the last question for11:16today please let me know which strategy will11:19start with is it quora is it pinterest is it instagram is it my11:24forum which of these strategies you will start11:26with to get traffic to your website share this in the comments below see you11:35[Music] later11:42[Music]11:54you English

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